Hello Buddy, Television has brought many changes our lives. We gain a lot of things from it let it be Good or Bad. But yet it is still the most interesting thing even to a 3 year baby. We believe what we see and so here is the technology being developed called 3D Holograms . Two Days ago, I came through a Video sent in one of my Whats app group. The video reminded me of the project I was working on ( Still want to work further) exactly a year ago. I always wanted to work on the Hologram Technology. It was about a company named Kino-mo which build Holograms and are ready in the market for Advertisers and Marketeers . I was amazed seeing the Quality of work they have done. Although the technique used by them was a bit old but the picture quality is brilliant. The hologram was based on Persistence of Vision . In our college we have an IEEE Student Branch which hosts many inspiring events like STAC (Student Technical Awareness Conference) . Last Year I got the chance t...